Unlock Your Potential, Activate Confidence
A 2-day Live Event

Feeling stuck or like your methods aren’t working? You’re not broken,
and you don’t need fixing.

Join me for a transformative
two-day live event where you’ll discover lasting confidence once and for all.

Unlocking true potential by reducing the inner critic, undoing negative mind patterns that no longer serve you to activate
real confidence in yourself.


Simon Grieve
Uneeq SVP Customer Success

Kate has been a transformative influence through various stages of my life. She provides clarity, encourages honest self-reflection, and connects physical well-being with mental wellness, greatly enhancing my personal and professional life.

Jessie McPhee
IFBB Pro Figure Athlete

Kate listens empathetically without sugar-coating reality, providing invaluable tools and prompts to cultivate peace and make significant life changes. Her sessions bring lightness and clarity, unmatched by other mentors or therapists.

Gemma Goodhew
Gym Manager

Kate has helped me break through past traumas, improve self-worth, communication, and relationships, and build a positive relationship with food. She provides the tools to lift burdens and become the best version of oneself.

Christina Sunderland

Working with Kate has been a journey of self-discovery, helping me handle stress, accept the past, and ride life's ups and downs. She guides you to understand and change your issues, making a profound positive impact on my life.

Military Personnel
Name Disclosed for Confidentiality Purposes

Kate identified my historic traumas and developed strategies to overcome them, improving my self-confidence, sleep patterns, and work performance. Her expertise and empathetic approach made a dramatic impact on my life.

Are you ready to break free from the mind stories keeping you stuck and overwhelmed?

Understanding mind pattern recognition is essential and surprisingly simple.

On 9 and 10 September 2024, join me for a two-day live event on Zoom, where I’ll guide you through a process to reclaim your power and create lasting change. We’ll cover

  • Identifying mind stories: discover how these narratives shape your identity and learn to reclaim your power
  • Breaking mind patterns: learn how to disrupt unhelpful patterns, a skill that strengthens with practice.
  • Handling new challenges: equip yourself with strategies to prevent falling back into old mindsets.

This journey isn't about a quick fix—it's about work, made simple with proven techniques. Over two days, I'll share the exact tools I have personally used and hundreds of my clients, empowering you to create your own mindstate transformation for life.


There is no hidden secret to this success, it’s obvious. It’s YOU!

Changing the way your mind has generated patterns that have kept you stuck and inhibiting your ability to live a life of true confidence. It's time to change that!! 

Over these two powerful days, I am going to show you exactly how I have helped hundreds of my clients create mindstate tools that support them through multiple different areas of life to maintain confidence

  • You wake up feeling anxious, overwhelmed, burnt out, stuck in a cycle you can't break.
  • You feel like you're making progress in building confidence, only to find yourself back at square one, craving for inner calmness to build confidence.
  • You self-sabotage without understanding why, even though you crave internal freedom.
  • You compare yourself to others, leaving your self-esteem low and confidence shaken, then feel guilty for numbing out with scrolling because you know you deserve better.
  • You're ready to commit to a powerful change, letting go of all excuses.
  • You're ready to trust yourself and step into your full power.
  • You're excited to find a new approach that works and are ready to commit to a lasting change.

I want you to achieve the same top-level results that my clients have experienced, so I've created a free workbook. This workbook guides you through simple steps to develop your unique mindstate formula, providing you with a blueprint for internal freedom. You MUST be registered to receive the workbook.


Hi there, I’m Kate.

Mindstate Mentor supporting hundreds of people world wide in mental and emotional transformation.

I experienced a series of trauma from a very young age having my mother die on me from overdose at the age of 7 years old. From troubling behaviours through my teens leading me into daily drug abuse for 4 and half years daily. Anxiety, suicidal attempts and ideation, server depression, intrusive thoughts, looping sabotaging behaviours, server self destruction I can safely say, I get it, I understand the pain and the endless feeling of hopelessness and mentally tapping out.

It has been my passion and purpose for a decade to help people break free from the mind stories, break out of mind patterning that is destroying their lives to shift, change and morph their identity into who they truly desire once and for all. No fluff, this is a science-based and holistic approach, creating true, lasting results of mental freedom.

Come and join me as I share with you what I know and my clients to be true about mindstate transformation.